
Greenfield Residential Developments

Here is our NBNCo prescribing a luxury pit and pipe system in new greenfields, which actually costs a lot more than the value of the fibre cables it contains. In many countries they just bury the fibre cable into the ground and be done with it.

And when you know that the electricity companies are going to connect each and every home with a power lead-in cable, how hard is it really to settle on a cabling standard with some fibre cores added, and terminate that into a double door meterbox.

Most electricians today already have a fibre endorsement on their ACMA licence so it is really not much new to them. But hey, the deployment costs of connecting each and every home in a greenfield to the national fibre optic highway through the electrical lead-in cable is a magnitude lower and the electricity company stands to get some recurring revenue from hiring out that fibre.

And just like they already use fibre in their High Voltage (HV) cables to monitor and control their substations, go a step further and fibre connect all the retail electricity meters.

Maybe someome or some body like QCN should work out the details and turn it into a proposed Australian Standard. Like an AS3000 for the national fibre highway. And start thinking country wide. Otherwise we might end up with a different railway gauge for every State again.

Find some people to talk with in the other States and cook something up that ensures new premises will be connected to the National Fibre Highway as a matter of course. And not having to put up with the unnecessary complex, arrogant and expensive way the “Access Seekers” are being treated today.

Example of a power cable with fibre cores